This Book analyses, clarifies and concludes the experiences and lessons learnt from the practice of the Basic Law since its promulgation and the “on country, two systems” policy in Hong Kong since the establishment of the HKSAR, raising issues which call for in-depth exploration.
With regard to the changing international landscapes, domestic situations and Hong Kong society, the actual practice of the “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law, aiming at safeguarding Hong Kong’s original systems and lifestyles to “remain unchanged for fifty years”, has run into all kinds of problems, difficulties, new situations and challenges. How to apply “one country, two systems” appropriately in the changing landscapes is a brand new, long-lasting issue which will continue to put the wisdom, open-mindedness and courage of various parties to a harsh test.
Lau Siu-Kai,1947年在香港出生。1971年畢業於香港大學,主修社會學及經濟學,獲頒社會科學學士(一級榮譽)學位。旋赴美國明尼蘇達大學(University of Minnesota)修讀社會學,主攻社會發展及政治社會學,1975年畢業,獲哲學博士學位。畢業後回港任教於香港中文大學,1990年晉升為講座教授。1990-2002年兼任香港亞太研究所副所長,1994-2002年兼任社會學系主任。2007年於中文大學退休,隨即獲委任為榮休社會學講座教授。
學術研究範圍包括社會與政治發展、香港社會與政治及國際政治。已出版著作包括Society and Politics in Hong Kong、The Ethos of the Hong Kong Chinese (with Kuan Hsin-chi)、《過渡期香港政治》、《回歸十五年以來香港特區管治及新政權建設》、《回歸後的香港政治》、《香港的獨特民主路》、《“一國兩制”在香港的實踐》、《回歸後香港的獨特政治形態:一個自由威權政體的個案》和刊載於香港、內地和國際期刊的研究論文。
The Practice of "One Country, Two system" Policy in Hong Kong
The Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd.