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How do I contact the bookstore? / 怎麼和我們聯繫?You can contact us by clicking here . 您可以點擊 此處 來和我們聯繫。
I am a teacher and want to order textbooks from this website. How should I contact the bookstore? / 我是一名教師並且想跟書店訂購漢語學習教材。我該如何和書店聯繫?In order to make a school order, please kindly visit our school order page. 如需為學校訂購漢語學習教材,請點擊此處。
What if I can't find the books I want from the website? / 網站上並沒有我想找的圖書If you can't find the books you want on the website, please visit here and provide us the books information. Then we will be able to order the book for you. 如果你在網站找不到你需要的書,你可以點擊此處告訴我們圖書的資料。我們並會為客人訂購他們所需的圖書。
Store Pickup / 來店裡拿書You can find us at 13-17 Elizabeth Street, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10013 Oriental Culture Enterprises Co., Inc. 我們在 13-17伊麗莎白街,二樓 紐約,紐約市 10013 東方書店
How do I get to the bookstore? / 如何到達書店?You can get here by: M103 Bus to Bowery St/Canal St or Bowery St/Bayard St then you can take a short walk to Elizabeth St M22 Bus to Worth St/Mott St then you can take a short walk to Elizabeth St M9 Bus to E Broadway/Market St then you can take a short walk to Elizabeth St 4, 6, J, Q, R Train to Canal St. then you can take a short walk to Elizabeth St 您可以: 坐M103巴士到”坚尼街“或者”包厘街“再從哪裡走到伊麗莎白街 坐M22巴士到”窝扶街“或者”勿街“再從哪裡走到伊麗莎白街 坐M9巴士到”東百老匯大道“或者”市场街”再從哪裡走到伊麗莎白街 坐4號,6號,J,Q,R地鐵到”坚尼街“再從哪裡走到伊麗莎白街
Return Policy / 退貨政策Please wait patiently as we come up with answers to this question. 請您有耐心得等待我們的回答。
I've reached Elizabeth St, but I can't find the bookstore. / 我到伊麗莎白街了,但是我找不到書店。"The bookstore in located as indicated by the blue circle. 書店的位置就在我們圈的藍色圈裡面。 如果你還有困難找到書店,我們書店的正對面是這些店。 If you still have troubles finding the bookstore, we are also directly across from these stores shown below.
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